My first Javascript Lambda ============================ In this example we are going to create our first javascript lambda using gordon. This lambda is going to do the same than the ``Hello World`` example AWS provides as blueprint. This is: * Receive an input message * Log ``key1``, ``key2`` and ``key3`` values. * Return ``key1`` as result. The test message we'll use to test this function is the following: .. code-block:: json { "key3": "value3", "key2": "value2", "key1": "value1" } Before we start, make sure you have: * An AWS Account * You've setup your AWS credentials in your machine (:doc:`../setup_aws`) * Gordon is installed (:doc:`../installation`) Create your Project -------------------- From the command line, cd into a directory where you’d like to store your code, then run the following command: .. code-block:: bash $ gordon startproject hellojs This will create a `hellojs` directory in your current directory with the following structure: .. code-block:: bash hellojs └── settings.yml This is the minimal layout of a project. We are now going to create an application. Create your Application ------------------------ Run the following command from the command line: .. code-block:: bash $ gordon startapp firstapp --runtime=js This will create a `firstapp` directory inside your project with the following structure: .. code-block:: bash firstapp/ ├── helloworld.js └── settings.yml By default, when you create a new application, gordon will create one really simple lambda called ``helloworld``. In the next step we'll install your application Install your application ------------------------ In order to install your application you need to add it to the ``apps`` list in the project ``settings.yml``. Edit your project ``settings.yml`` file and add ``firstapp`` to the list of installed apps. .. code-block:: yaml --- project: hellojs default-region: us-east-1 apps: - gordon.contrib.helpers - gordon.contrib.lambdas - firstapp In the next step we are going to make the default lambda gordon provides, do what we want it to do. Create your Lambda -------------------- Open you ``firstapp/helloworld.js`` file and edit it until it looks to something like this: .. code-block:: javascript exports.handler = function(event, context) { console.log('value1 =', event.key1); console.log('value2 =', event.key2); console.log('value3 =', event.key3); context.succeed(event.key1); // Echo back the first key value }; The code of our lambda is ready! We only need to double check it is correctly registered. Open your ``firstapp/settings.yml``. It should look similar to this: .. code-block:: yaml lambdas: helloworld: code: helloworld.js #description: Simple functions in js which says hello #handler: handler #role: #memory: This file is simply registering a lambda called ``helloworld``, and telling gordon the source of the lambda is in ``helloworld.js`` file. The default behaviour for gordon is to assume the function to call in your source file is called ``handler``. You can change this behaviour by changing the ``handler`` section in your lambda settings. Now we are ready to build your project! Build your project -------------------- In the root of your project run the following command .. code-block:: bash $ gordon build This command will have an output similar to: .. code-block:: bash $ gordon build Loading project resources Loading installed applications contrib_helpers: ✓ sleep contrib_lambdas: ✓ alias ✓ version firstapp: ✓ helloworld Building project... ✓ 0001_p.json ✓ 0002_pr_r.json ✓ 0003_r.json If that's the case... great! Your project is ready to be deployed. Deploy your project -------------------- Projects are deployed by calling the command ``apply``. Apply will assume by default you want to deploy your project into a new stage called ``dev``. Stages are 100% isolated deployments of the same project. The idea is that the same project can be deployed in the same AWS account in different stages (``dev``, ``staging``, ``production``...) in order to SAFELY test your lambda behaviour. If you don't provive any stage using ``--stage=STAGE_NAME`` a default stage called ``dev`` will be used. Once you are ready, call the following command: .. code-block:: bash $ gordon apply This command will have an output similar to: .. code-block:: bash $ gordon apply Applying project... 0001_p.json (cloudformation) CREATE_COMPLETE waiting... - 0002_pr_r.json (custom) ✓ code/ (364c5f6d) ✓ code/ (e906090e) ✓ code/ (c3137e97) ✓ code/ (db6f502e) 0003_r.json (cloudformation) CREATE_COMPLETE And you are done! Your lambda is ready to be used on AWS! Test your Lambda -------------------- In order to test it, you can navigate into your `Lambda Console `_ and: * Click on the lambda we have just created. It should be called something like: ``dev-hellojs-r-FirstappHelloworld-XXXXXXXX`` * Click the blue button named ``Test`` * Select the ``Hello World`` Sample event template (It should come selected by default) * Click ``Save and Test`` * You should get a succeed message: ``Execution result: succeeded``, and some log information. Congratulations! You've just deployed your first lambda into AWS using gordon!