
Parameters are the artifact around the fact that project templates (what gordon generates into _build) should be immutable between stages. Parameters allow you to have specific settings based on the stage where you are applying your project.

How can I use parameters?

In order to use parameters you only need to:
  • Create a directory called parameters
  • Inside of this directory, create .yml files for your different stages (dev.yml, prod.yml, …)
  • Replace values in your settings with ref://MyParameter
  • Add values for MyParameter in dev.yml, prod.yml
├── dev.yml
├── prod.yml
└── common.yml


You can create a file called common.yml, and place all shared parameters between stages on it. When this file is present, gordon will read it first, and then update the parameters map using your stage-specific settings file (if pressent).

If you want to customize your parameters further, read Advanced Parameters, where you’ll find information on how make paramater values be dynamic.


Let’s imagine you want to call one lambda every time a file is created in one of your buckets.

  • First, you’ll create and register a lambda.
  • Then you’ll create a new event source.

Something like this:

    bucket: my-dev-bucket

      - id: lambda_on_create_cat
        lambda: app.mys3consumer
          - s3:ObjectCreated:*

This is good to start with, but what about when you want to put this on production? You’ll need to:

  • Change the bucket to my-production-bucket instead of my-dev-bucket
  • Build your project gordon build
  • Apply the project into production gordon apply --stage=prod

But… now every time you want to develop the lambda further in your dev stage, you’ll need to change the bucket… again and again back and forth.

This is tedious and unmaintainable.


The solution is as simple as making your bucket name be a parameter. In this case we are calling the parameter MyS3Bucket.

    bucket: ref://MyS3Bucket

      - id: lambda_on_create_cat
        lambda: app.mys3consumer
          - s3:ObjectCreated:*

Then, in the root of you project, create a new directory called parameters and create a new file with the name of each of the stages (dev and prod).

├── prod.yml
└── dev.yml

Then, we can define two different values for MyS3Bucket based on the stage where we are applying the project.

prod.yml will have the production bucket:

MyS3Bucket: my-production-bucket

and dev.yml will have the dev one:

MyS3Bucket: my-dev-bucket

Now we can simply run:

  • gordon apply --stage=dev
  • gordon apply --stage=prod

And the correct settings will be used.

How it works?

When you define in your settings file a value as a reference ref://, gordon will automatically register (on build time) all required input parameters in your CloudFormation templates and collect values from your parameters files when you call apply.

Remember that you can create a file called common.yml, and place all shared parameters between stages on it.